Tolstói vs. Tolstói - Sobre A sonata a Kreutzer
RESUMO: A sonata a Kreutzer de Tolstói costuma ser lida como uma representação literária de suas concepções a respeito da sexualidade e da influência moral da música sobre as pessoas. Neste ensaio, levando em conta alguns elementos muitas vezes negligenciados da narrativa, procuramos discutir até que ponto se pode considerar que a novela é uma mera representação das ideias do autor.
ABSTRACT: Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata is usually interpreted as a literary representation of his conceptions about sexuality and moral influence of music on people. In this essay, taking into account some often neglected elements of the narrative, we seek to discuss the extent to which the novella can be considered a mere representation of the author’s ideas.
ABSTRACT: Tolstoy’s The Kreutzer Sonata is usually interpreted as a literary representation of his conceptions about sexuality and moral influence of music on people. In this essay, taking into account some often neglected elements of the narrative, we seek to discuss the extent to which the novella can be considered a mere representation of the author’s ideas.
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