Duas editoras e uma disposição: traduzir a literatura brasileira na França
RESUMO: As editoras independentes, traduzindo literaturas ditas menores em um nicho do mercado que não desperta o interesse das editoras pertencentes a grandes grupos, garantem a preservação da bibliodiversidade. Este artigo discute a posição das editoras Métailié e Anacaona no campo editorial francês, e como as disposições relacionadas à trajetória de suas fundadoras se refletem em suas tomadas de posição. O objetivo é compreender os efeitos daí advindos sobre a inserção da literatura brasileira na França. Partimos de quatro entrevistas que realizamos com as editoras responsáveis por essas duas empresas – as que mais traduzem literatura brasileira na França –, com respaldo na visada teórica da sociologia da tradução (BOURDIEU, 1999 e 2002; CASANOVA, 2002; SAPIRO, 2010).
ABSTRACT: Independent publishers, by translating so-called minor literatures into a niche market in which publishers belonging to large groups have no interest, guarantee the preservation of bibliodiversity. This article discusses the position of the publishers Métailié and Anacaona in the French publishing field, and how the dispositions related to the trajectory of their founders are reflected in their stances. The aim is to understand the effects of this on the insertion of Brazilian literature in France. Based on four interviews we conducted with the editors in charge of these two publishing houses - the ones that most translate Brazilian literature in France -, and on the theoretical approach of the sociology of translation (BOURDIEU, 1999 and 2002; CASANOVA, 2002; SAPIRO, 2010).
ABSTRACT: Independent publishers, by translating so-called minor literatures into a niche market in which publishers belonging to large groups have no interest, guarantee the preservation of bibliodiversity. This article discusses the position of the publishers Métailié and Anacaona in the French publishing field, and how the dispositions related to the trajectory of their founders are reflected in their stances. The aim is to understand the effects of this on the insertion of Brazilian literature in France. Based on four interviews we conducted with the editors in charge of these two publishing houses - the ones that most translate Brazilian literature in France -, and on the theoretical approach of the sociology of translation (BOURDIEU, 1999 and 2002; CASANOVA, 2002; SAPIRO, 2010).
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